stuck in the space between my mind
and what comes next
i listen to the sounds
i listen to the sounds
i listen to the sounds
and i ignore myself
i find it easy to get lost
i hope to not be found
i feel a hand
graze my lower back
and i feel safe
i lift my friendly glass
and take a sip
and fall into the memories
the memories of what came before
and where they've left me now
i breathe
i breathe
i breathe
and i convince myself that i am fixed
for a moment
in this moment
i am healed
but that does not satiate the angst
the angst i crave
to crave a need to be saved
but that doesn't come
that hand does not shelter me
it only gently ushers me through
through a passing moment
in which i am free
and everything will be okay
but then
i wake
i wake
i wake
and greet the day
that greeted me
the day before
i am not saved
but i am safe
for now
for a time
in this time
for a moment
that i will call mine